This picture shows Ryan Jones, Poulina Reynolds, and Colorado 5th Congressional District Green Party candidate for U.S. Congress Misha Luzov applauding Gar Alperowitz who delivered the keynote address at the Green Party National Nominating Assembly in Baltimore on Saturday, July 14. Alperowitz, an historian whose first work was devoted to an analysis of the real reasons for dropping the Atomic Bombs on Japan and the selling of same to the American public, noted that 400 Americans now possess more wealth than the bottom 158,000,000 Americans. He observed that neither corporate party condemns this vast disparity of wealth or advocates for serious change in this socially and economically unjust system, which created the imbalance. He remembered that some radicals got together to challenge a similar injustice in the system in 1852 in Ripon, Wisconsin. They formed the new radical party, The Republican Party, to change the system of property ownership. As you may or may not know, a slave was considered private property rather than a person. This radical Republican Party was a third party but within 8 years it took the Presidency and resulted, after a painful civil war, in the abolition of slavery as a property right of the rich landed classes in the Union. The reverse parallel was stunning, as we live in the decade when production property has been granted rights of personhood with the financial power to override the interests of the vast majority of flesh and blood persons in our modern economy who are now only pawns in their game.
Dr. Jill Stein, a physician who has fought tirelessly for Medicare-for-All/Single Payer health care, and Cheri Honkala, an advocate for the poor and disenfranchised were nominated as the Green Party candidates for President and Vice President. Stein was a Green/Rainbow candidate against Mitt Romney for governor and in a debate with him and the Democrat was considered the only sane and honest person participating. Stein is the first registered Green Party member in history to qualify for federal matching funds as a Green Party candidate for president! (Former Green Party presidential candidate Ralph Nader qualified for funds in 2000, but was never registered Green.) Dr. Stein has people in the field working to increase ballot access from the current 21 States to 48 states. She needs dollars and volunteers to make this happen. Every gift up to $250 will be matched by federal funds. Are you idle this summer? Do you have the time to devote to getting the signatures to put Stein/Honkala on the ballot nation-wide? Go to and get involved!
Remember that the Obama administration did not hold banksters legally responsible for their crimes, or the militarists for engaging us in illegal warfare, or has it prevented the continuing frenzy for Fracking and Drilling, now in the Arctic. If you care about the future — can’t stand the heat and want our economy out of the “kitchen” that is cooking the planet, want to transform to Green our Economy and make it work for everyone, then the Green Party is the imperative.
Register Green, Work for Green, Vote Green!
If every person eligible to vote in the United States — who currently doesn’t register or vote — joined this crusade, we win. And that doesn’t even include the progressive voters who deem it necessary to vote the lesser of two evils. Or the true conservatives who want to save the planet, and preserve the liberties or restore the just distribution of wealth in our society! They should be with us and not continue to hope in false hope.
– Robert Kinsey, 2012 Green National Nominating Convention Delegate and 2010 Colorado Green candidate for U.S. Senate