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Colorado Greens supporting Jill Stein and the GPCO at the Louisville Labor Day ParadeDid you miss out on joining the Labor Day parade? No worries!

We can wait for you to join us as we march and show our support for Jill Stein and Colorado Greens in the Broomfield Days Parade! This is a fun and family friendly way stand up for people, planet, and peace while showing that the Green Party is strong and present in communities across Colorado.

Don’t be afraid to bring a plus one (or even more). 

After you sign up (RSVP form) you will get an email from the Green Party of Colorado with information about where to meet and who to check-in with at the parade.

Broomfield Days Parade
Saturday, September 21st 2024
Check-in: 8:30 AM – 9:00 AM
Parade Starts: 9:30 AM
Parade Ends: 10:00 AM

Don’t forget to share our RSVP form with friends and family and let’s turn Colorado Green!