The Greens are raising the bar in Denver! The party’s growth in our capital city has been significant. Our members are leading the way in representing issues that are most important, even when our elected leaders take their eyes off the ball.
Issues such as single-payer health coverage that guarantee a safe and secure future for our children, our parents, and our vulnerable. Honoring and preserving the natural resources: air, water, plants, and earth. Educating our children and fostering their growth as individuals and conscious thinkers.
As we approach Independence Day, let’s remember that we, the people, are the ultimate authority in our communities. If we don’t like how things are going, we just need to stand up and say “WE’RE NOT GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE!”
The Four Pillars and the Ten Key Values guide the Greens in our decisions and philosophies. They are also an “attractor force” for those the hold similar ideals. It’s up to us to come together and give the people candidates who will govern with these principles at heart and in mind.
For more information:
The Denver Greens
The Arapahoe Green Party
Colorado Local Green Chapters
Four Pillars and Ten Key Values (from the Green Party of Philadelphia)
The Four Pillars of the Green Party (George McGuire, New York, September 2002)