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Proposal 05-11

1. Date proposed: 3/31/11
Name of the sponsors:
Tanya Ishikawa, Adams/Jefferson Greens & State Co-Chair
Dan Sage, Arapahoe Greens & State Treasurer
Eric Fried, Poudre Valley Greens & State Secretary

2. Title: Proposal to Fund the State Website Domain Registration and Web
Hosting for one year (April 2011 to April 2012)

3. Text of the actual Proposal: The Green Party of Colorado will pay $75 to
Maia Internet Consulting in April for one year of website hosting and domain
registration renewal. State Secretary will send a check to Maia, operated by
state website designer Liz Hamilton, at 78 Farrell Drive, Black Hawk,
Colorado 80422

4. Background:
The GPCO website has been available online for several years. It was updated
b party representatives and  Liz Hamilton of Maia Internet Consulting in
2006 and again in 2010.  The site at www.coloradogreenparty.org is the main
Internet presence of the state party.

5. Justification/Goals:
Paying for these expenses will ensure an important promotional and
informational tool of the GPCO can continue to exist. It supports all 10KV
by promoting them on the site, and by increasing the reach of the GPCO. The
website also promotes Future Focus and Ecological Wisdom, as it provides a
way for future party growth and it provides a relatively environmentally
sustainable method of promoting the party (no trees cut down for paper
brochures, etc.).

6. Pros:
The state party can keep its current website and not have to search for new

7. Cons:
None except for the reduction in our state budget by a minimal amount of

8. Estimate of Fiscal Impact:

9. Alternatives to the proposal:
1. Do nothing. Let the web hosting services and domain lapse and lose the
2. Find other private donations to fund the website.
3. Find another website hosting company, which may cost less or more.