1. Title: The Greater Boulder Green Party chapter has voted to host the GPOC
2011 state meeting in Prospect, CO.
Sponsors: Bonnie Ballantyne; Kevin Alumbaugh; Tanya Ishikawa.
2. Text of Proposal: The Greater Boulder Green Party is volunteering
to arrange and facilitate the 2011 GPOC state meeting.
3. Background: It is time for our annual state meeting and there has been
considerable interest in conducting the meeting in the Boulder area hosted
by the GPOC’s newest local chapter. Bonnie Ballantyne, one of the GBGP’s co
chairs, lives in the New Urbanist community of Prospect and she has arranged
for a facility in the community in which to host the meeting.
Prospect, Colorado’s first New Urbnist community, is located on an 80-acre
tree farm in Longmont and was conceived as an alternative to conventional,
sprawling urban development. http://www.prospectnewtown.com.
4. Justification/Goals: To conduct a 2-day meeting which would include
non-violent communication training and several other agenda items which are
being collected by Art Goodtimes and Victor Forsythe. Please email Art and
Victor with your suggestions for agenda items:
Art: gourds@paleohippie.com
Victor: anelman24@sprintmail.com
5. Pros: Conducting the meeting in the Boulder area could generate further
local interest in the GPOC through media coverage and announcements to
like-minded groups. It would also provide an opportunity for Greens around
the state to become acquainted with members of the new local chapter. There
are several restaurants located within walking distance of the meeting
facility to conveniently accommodate meals.
A face-to-face meting would provide an opportunity to discuss and finalize a
moderation council and resolve recent issues related to the state council
and Greens Discussion list serves. Participating in non-violent
communication training could be an opportunity to conduct future state
business without conflict on these lists.
6. Cons: Longmont is a considerable distance from many areas of the state
and would involve a long commute especially for the Western Slope locals.
As non-violent communication training has been suggested by several council
members it would be necessary to conduct a 2-day meeting which would entail
lodging for folks travelling a long distance.
However Prospect is bordered by several lodging facilities which the GBGP
will provide information on. We will also put out a request for available
couch surfing to provide a no-cost option for folks who are travelling.
7. Estimate of fiscal impact: No cost to the state treasury as members of
the local will provide all necessary items such as tables, chairs, etc., and
there is no charge for the facility. There will obviously be personal
transportation costs to individuals but hopefully car pooling can help ease
these costs and the resulting carbon footprint.
8. Alternatives: Hosting the state meeting in a different location or
conducting a teleconference or on line meeting via Skype.