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Statement: Green Party of Colorado on Accelerating Eviction Crisis

As of September 16th, 2024, Colorado has seen 30,778 eviction filings, representing a nearly 12% increase compared to the same period in 2023.

This surge in evictions has led to renters and their families making a choice no one should have to face – will they be sleeping in their cars, seeking costly yet temporary shelter in hotel rooms, or will they be on the streets of Colorado tonight.

Meanwhile, Governor Polis has called two special legislative sessions focused on reducing property taxes. These sessions have resulted in tax cuts that disproportionately benefit wealthier property owners.

This reality comes alongside Colorado renters being left with limited or expiring rental assistance programs.

The actions of Governor Polis with the support of Democrat and Republican legislators in Denver have made their position crystal clear. They support tax relief for the wealthy over addressing the accelerating housing crisis facing renters in our state.

Their actions will always speak louder than their words. The Governor and state lawmakers have made this decision more than once now, and their decisions are no friend to the working class of Colorado.