Calendar Listing/Political Brief/Cultural or Political Feature:
Tanya Ishikawa Brings Japanese Taiko Drummers to Federal Heights
Moo G Moon Center Hosts Campaign Event with Japanese Drummers
When? October 14, 2009 from 5 to 6:30pm
Where? Moo G Moon Education Center (at the Dr. Alan Wong DDS offices)
1851 W. 84th Ave., Federal Heights, CO 80260
Who? Organized by Committee to Elect Tanya Ishikawa
How? RSVP to 303-284-6762 and see information at; Free event but donations are encouraged.
Why? An opportunity for voters and supporters to meet Federal Heights City Council Candidate Tanya Ishikawa. A unique display of Japanese culture, brought compliments of the Committee to Elect Tanya Ishikawa to the Federal Heights community.
Tanya Ishikawa, Federal Heights City Council Ward 1 candidate, invites the community to a unique campaign event, featuring a Japanese drum group called Boulder Taiko HIBIKI. The evening will include inspiring drum beats and refreshments including light appetizers and drinks. The venue is the beautiful meeting facility, Moo G Moon Education Center, offered by Dr. Alan Wong DDS.
More about Boulder Taiko HIBIKI:
Julia Misawa founded, directs and teaches students of Boulder Taiko HIBIKI, a traditional Japanese drum class and performance group. Misawa studied Taiko for eight years under Master Seiichi Tanaka, who first brought Taiko to the U.S. in 1968. The challenge and the beauty of Taiko stem from the combination of percussion, dance and martial art. I work to bring this cultural experience to local communities by integrating art skills and knowledge with traditional Japanese drum music.
More about Moo G Moon Education Center:
The Moo G. Moon Education Center is a multipurpose facility for meetings, seminars, continuing education, trainings, classes, receptions, and workshops. The center also offers rental rooms for table work, therapy sessions, or small exercise groups. Space is competitively priced and can accommodate up to 50 people in four rooms. Rooms can be reserved by the hour, half day or day. Various educational seminars are organized at the center each month, as well as ONG (Our Networking Group) – a business networking opportunity for Alan Wong’s patients and their friends. For more details, visit
What supporters are saying about Tanya Ishikawa:
Randle Loeb: Tanya is a fine person, dedicated, aware of what it means to be an official. I work as the vice president of the Metro Denver Homeless Initiative in the vicinity that Tanya Ishikawa serves and her hard work and dedication are impeccable. I have worked with her in the news service and she is able and willing to do whatever is necessary to play her part in solving the issues that confront this world.
Chris Zetterholm: Since Tanya’s appointment on City Council, I’ve received quick and accurate answers to questions I’ve asked, and fast results on things I needed help with. Tanya’s willingness to listen to residents’ concerns, her proactive approach and concern with future growth and its effects on our quality of life make her an ideal choice for election to City Council.
Mark Ulrich: I serve on an HOA board with Tanya and believe she is dedicated to improving the community.
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