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2024 Ballot Guide: The voters of Colorado are facing several significant questions on the upcoming general election ballot. The Green Party of Colorado is proud to share its viewpoints on these critical issues. In the coming weeks, we will provide a summary statement for each question as voters debate these matters.

Below, you can find the Green Party of Colorado’s position on each ballot measure.

Amendment 79 – SUPPORT

Provide for a state constitutional right to abortion and repeal provision banning the use of public funds for abortions


Amendment 80 – OPPOSE

Provide a constitutional right to school choice including neighborhood schools, charter schools, private schools, homeschools, open enrollment options, and future innovations in education


Amendment G – SUPPORT

Expands the property tax exemption for veterans with a disability to veterans with individual unemployability status


Amendment H – SUPPORT

Creates an independent judicial discipline adjudicative board and create rules for the judicial discipline process


Amendment I – SUPPORT

Remove the right to bail in cases of first-degree murder when the proof is evident or the presumption is great


Amendment J – SUPPORT

Remove the provision of the state constitution that says “Only a union of one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in this state”


Amendment K – NEUTRAL

Change deadlines for filing initiative and referendum petition signatures and judicial retention notice deadlines to remove one week in order to allow one extra week for the secretary of state to certify ballot order and content and election officials’ deadline to transmit ballots


Proposition 127 – SUPPORT

Prohibit trophy hunting, defined as “intentionally killing, wounding, pursuing, or entrapping a mountain lion, bobcat, or lynx; or discharging or releasing any deadly weapon at a mountain lion, bobcat, or lynx”


Proposition 128 – OPPOSE

Require that persons convicted of certain violent crimes serve more of their sentences before being eligible for parole


Proposition 129 – SUPPORT

Create the profession of veterinary professional associate (VPA) requiring a master’s degree and registration with the state board of veterinary medicine


Proposition 130 – OPPOSE

Allocate state revenue to a new fund, called the Peace Officer Training and Support Fund, for law enforcement recruitment, retention, training, and death benefits


Proposition 131 – OPPOSE

Establish top-four primaries and ranked-choice voting (RCV) for federal and state offices in Colorado


Proposition JJ – SUPPORT

Allow the state to retain tax revenue collected above $29 million annually from the tax on sports betting proceeds


Proposition KK – SUPPORT

Levy a 6.5% excise tax on firearms and ammunition manufacturing and sales to be imposed on firearms dealers, manufacturers, and ammunition vendors and appropriating the revenue to the Firearms and Ammunition Excise Tax Cash Fund to be used to fund crime victim services programs, education programs, and mental and behavioral health programs for children and veterans