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This week is a big one for the Green Party, and the Colorado Greens! Last week we pushed through a last-minute effort to meet our $5,000 goal toward qualifying for matching federal funds for the upcoming presidential election. Through the combined efforts of the state parties, we achieved our goal! The Green Party will receive matching funds from the federal government. We want to thank everyone who donated and reached out to their personal and professional contacts to put us over the top.

For Greens in Highlands Ranch and the Fort Collins area, this fourth of July is going to be exciting! In the morning, the Douglas County Greens will be marching with the Highlands Ranch Independence Day Parade. This marks the first time the Greens will march in this county’s parade. A historic occasion and the first of many!

Tomorrow afternoon, the Annual Red, White, Blue and Green Fourth of July Party is looking big this year, with the Green awards and live music! This is a chance for local Greens to come together in the northern range and mingle before heading out to the fireworks nearby. For more information about the party, check out the Poudre Valley Greens on Facebook.

Take this time to enjoy our democracy and our freedom to be Green in a Red and Blue country. Keep up the good work Greens! You ARE the Green Party!